
Beyond Retro: Finding a New Purpose for Clothing in the Circular Economy


You probably know us here at Bank & Vogue as a global leader in the facilitation, logistics, purchase and reselling of wholesale used goods. We take a great deal of pride in being an active player in the Circular Economy of Fashion, committed to sustainable solutions that reduce waste and increase the reuse and repurposing of garments and fabrics. Did you also know that we have a sister company in the UK called Beyond Retro, who are also involved in this Circular Economy? Let’s pay them a little visit and find out more.


Beyond Retro – Vintage Clothing in the Circular Economy

Beyond Retro is a vintage clothing retailer that was started in 2002 in East London by Stephen and Helene Carter Bethell. Stephen is also the founder of – you guessed it – Bank & Vogue. So we truly are sisters! Beyond Retro now has several retail locations across the UK and Sweden, having taken hold in the market during a groundswell of enthusiasm both for vintage clothing and for sustainable products.


The benefit for the Circular Economy is that Beyond Retro is taking second-hand clothing that might have otherwise ended up in landfill and finding new homes for it. This is a sustainable solution to what we’ve come to call the Crisis of Stuff, which resulted when the mentality was to “produce, consume and dispose.” We and others like us have been working to affect a mind-shift in society, moving towards a sustainable “produce, consume, recycle, repurpose, reuse” approach.


Thrift stores play a huge role in this circular economy of fashion, as do our partners, sellers and customers across the world.


Vintage Chic Label, Earth-Friendly Economy


Beyond Retro takes it a step further. Its specialty is vintage clothing, and Beyond Retro has carved out a niche as a vintage brand and label in the fashion industry. Beyond Retro aims to deliver a superior shopping experience to its clientele. Its vintage clothing collection is sourced globally and hand-picked by a team of vintage fashion experts.


A good portion of what Beyond Retro sells has been repurposed from its original iteration into a new piece of fashion (see image). Crafted from reclaimed materials, The Beyond Retro LABEL is a growing line of apparel and accessories which aligns a passion for original design with a mounting concern for declining global resources. Not only is Beyond Retro recycling product and saving textile waste from landfill, they are indeed making a conscientious effort to streamline every part of their business, from packaging to shipping, to minimise their footprint on the environment.


Beyond Retro has a simple but powerful vision. The average person in the UK throws away 35kg of clothing each year. Along with Bank & Vogue, Beyond Retro is committed to finding new homes and uses for this clothing. Its dream is to “Reclaim, Reduce and Reuse 10 billion items.”

Bank & Vogue and Beyond Retro – A Proud Partnership for Sustainability

We’re definitely onboard with that dream here at Bank & Vogue! It’s our pleasure to be working with our friends at Beyond Retro. If you have any questions about the Circular Economy of Fashion or want to be a part of it – as a seller, distributor, retailer or more – contact us today to see how we can work together.


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Retro clothing from bank and vogue