bric brac
Miscellaneous items of all kinds make up the bric brac industry, we carry and sell them in bulk.
Bric Brac Sellers
What Is Bric Brac?
Bric Brac, also known as miscellaneous products or knick knacks, can either be bought and sold as original donations, or it can be salvaged and recycled (for example from a thrift store). Buying a selling bric brac is one of our more difficult undertakings, because sorting and packaging needs to be taken into consideration. The packaging must be done well in order to avoid damage to dragging bric brac such as glassware, and to maximize the weight of the load.
When packing loads of bric brac, it is important to pack any heavy items on the bottom of the container. Once the heavier items are loaded in, you can begin adding the more fragile items on top to avoid damage. If necessary, you can wrap the fragile items in cloth, however they should be nesting together whenever possible. Alternatively, the fragile items could be packaged in boxes quite tightly to avoid the risk of them shifting during transportation. Contact us today to place your bric brac order.

Wholesale Bric Brac
We Buy Wholesale
Bric Brac
Bank & Vogue have a long history of sourcing bric brac in bulk from North American, as well as global distributors. Bric brac can include many miscellaneous items, such as dishes, vases, knickknacks, picture frames, albums, unused notebooks, dolls, collectibles, jewellery, glassware, small home decor items, craft kits, non-electrical decorations, office supplies, and much more.
The following bric brac products are examples of what we do not buy or sell here at Bank & Vogue: Cloth, electronics, cameras, DVDs, CDs, records, puzzles, games, plastics, wicker, cosmetics, loose candles, large items such as bikes or basketball nets, any item that cannot be carried by one person, and plastics. Bric brac is packaged in boxes for transport, and the minimum weight of a bric brac load is 12,000 pounds.