
An Alternative to Buying New Clothing and Throwing It Away Quickly

Is your wardrobe overflowing with clothes? Do you find yourself frequently thinking about throwing out your used clothing, even though they are practically in mint condition? Don’t worry – this is something a lot of consumers in the developed world think about a lot. It’s called fast fashion, and it’s a problem for our world and our children’s future.

What if we told you that there is another way, an alternative to buying new clothing and throwing it away quickly?

The environment matters, and you can reduce your carbon footprint and help the planet with a few simple tips.

Know Your Wardrobe Inside & Out

Everything starts and ends with your wardrobe. This is why you should always stay on top of it. We suggest you start by listing all the items you have – t-shirts, jackets, skirts, trousers, and so on.

This will be of great help when you go on your shopping spree, especially during those hard-to-resist sales. You will minimize the chances of getting clothing you can’t pair with anything in your wardrobe.

Scout Clothes Online

fashion show with models on runwayMost of your favorite retail shops have online shops as well. Resist the urge to go spend that extra cash on clothes – instead, do a bit of research online. It will be much easier for you to see whether they have something that you can actually combine with the clothes you already have when you can stand in front of the wardrobe with your phone and swipe through dozens of items.

Online research will also help you save some money because you can do some comparison shopping from the convenience of your home. While you are at it, why not look for used products at a vintage clothing retailer that come with an affordable price tag.

Be Mindful When Shopping

Keeping cool and calm when shopping is also very important. When you know exactly what you are looking for, you won’t end up with clothing that’s doomed to stay unpacked forever. We are not saying that this is an easy thing to do, but if you stay determined, you will succeed.

This is why we say that you need to know your wardrobe inside and out – it will help you make smarter choices.

Upcycle Your Used Clothing

clothing in closetInstead of donating or recycling your unused clothing, you can turn your unused pieces into something that you can and will actually wear. Upcycling clothes is nothing new. Unfortunately, due to affordable prices and mass production, we end up forgetting about it.

If you are skilled with scissors, a needle, and a sawing machine, there are no limits. You will be able to turn your old clothes into something useful and eye-catching. If you are not skilled with either of these, you can always start learning. Upcycling used clothing is a fun hobby that your entire family can take part in.

Leverage Credential Clothing Programs

Original clothing donation or credential clothing is a term used to describe the donation of clothing in its original packaging. If you have some clothing in bags which haven’t been opened, you shouldn’t throw it away.

Look for clothing collection boxes in your area – we’re sure that you will be able to find plenty.

Knowing your wardrobe, researching online, and being mindful while shopping can help you make smarter purchasing decisions. Sometimes you will end up with clothes you can’t or won’t use. Instead of throwing it away, you can upcycle it, or donate it to credential clothing programs if it’s in mint condition.

To find out more about the circular economy and how Bank & Vogue is helping to create a more sustainable future, contact us today.

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